Preparatory School

The Preparatory School Setting

The Preparatory school is housed in a suite of modern, spacious and bright purpose built rooms which are well resourced. Pupils have access to an ICT Suite, Music Suite, Library with computers and from Year 5, pupils have access to our Science Suite and further access to indoor sports facilities. A wide range of sports and activities are available to all our pupils.

Pupils are given the opportunity to develop their skills and talents and to reach their potential in each area of the curriculum, in small classes. Through assessments and regular testing, pupils are encouraged to attain high levels in all subject areas.

The Preparatory Classes A Birds Eye View

Reception – Robins (Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum)

Maturing and perched on the branch of knowledge. They are nurtured and taught in a small class to allow them to build and develop, giving them a firm educational foundation in all subject areas in the National Curriculum

Swallows and Nightingales – Years 1 and 2 (Key Stage One)

Swift at achieving heights in reading, literacy and Mathematics. They are investigative and creative, as their imaginations have no limits.

Owls One and Two – Years 3 and 4 (Key Stage Two)

Confidence and skills are growing to enhance their learning. Bright and able, they recognise our subjects are cross-curricular with many harmoniously creating a symphony of good sound work. At the end of Year 4 pupils are wise and strong, reflecting wisdom through good work.

Eagles – Year 5 - (Key Stage Two)

They attain high levels in all subject areas in preparation for their flight to higher academic challenges.

Goldfinches – Year 6 – (Key Stage Two)

Pupils are serious minded and hard working, well prepared for the tough road ahead. Independent and confident they are able to tackle difficult topics in small ability groups.

Preparatory School Achievements and Rewards

When pupils join the Preparatory school, their join one of four Houses: Oak, Cedar, Willow and Sycamore. Pupils can gain house for their house through good conduct and work both in and out of school. Stars and achievement stickers are also awarded for individual achievement in and out of class.

Each year group is represented by a monitor. Librarians are also appointed and together they make up the Preparatory School Council who represent the Preparatory school. They have a sense of duty and responsibility to all Preparatory pupils, and they are active within the Preparatory School to ensure that the opinions of all Preparatory pupils are voiced within the school.

Pupils are chosen each month for specific achievement within their year groups. This is recorded on our Pupil of the Month Chart which is mounted on the front notice board for parents and guardians to see. Pupils are also rewarded for good conduct and hard work in a special assembly which is held every 6 weeks. Certificates are awarded for good conduct by form tutors.

An Annual Speech and Prize Giving Day is held to celebrate the achievements of pupils throughout the year. Certificates, trophies and medals are awarded for good conduct and hard work in both academic and extra curricular subjects.

Preparatory School Homework

Pupils in Years 1 to 11 receive homework to reinforce the learning in school and to extend their knowledge through written, ICT and practical activities. To assist parents, homework is given on Tuesdays to be returned the following Monday.

Homework is set for five days, it is sent to include the weekend, this is to allow the completion of homework tasks to be spread out if required. We work hard to ensure that pupils are not overwhelmed or overloaded by the amount of homework they receive and a careful balance of homework is important so that social and family time is not infringed upon.

An example of the Preparatory Homework Timetable for Reception to Year 6


  • English-Comprehension
  • Mathematics


  • Religious Studies/Citizenship
  • Science
  • French


  • Geography/History
  • English-Creative Writing


  • Reading/Spelling
  • Geography

Joining The Prep School

Pupils progress into the Preparatory School from the Pre-Preparatory Department for current pupils. For new pupils; once the prospectus has been read, parents are invited to view the school in action. Thereafter, a Day Visit is booked for your child to spend the day with their intended class group, where they are assessed by interview and short tests, to assess National Curriculum and current academic levels. Whilst we are a non-selective school, the academic levels of pupils must be assessed to ensure that their individual needs can be met fully. Once an offer of a place is received, parents are expected to complete the enrolment form for their children and submit this to the school office along with the administrative fee as confirmation of your child’s place at the school. Confirmation of receipt of this will then be forwarded to you in writing along with a Welcome Pack with additional information prior to the commencement of your child’s attendance at Overstone Park School.

School Uniform

Basic school uniform is worn by all pupils from the age of 3 years. A uniform list is available.

Boys - Winter

  • Grey Trousers
  • School Navy Polo T-shirt
  • V-neck Pullover with logo
  • Grey Socks
  • Black Shoes
  • Navy Blue Coat
  • Royal Blue Cap and Badge

Girls - Winter

  • Navy Pinafore Dress
  • School Navy Polo T-shirt
  • V-neck Pullover with logo
  • Grey Tights
  • Black Shoes
  • Navy Blue Coat
  • Royal Blue Felt Hat and Badge

Boys - Summer

  • Grey shorts
  • School Navy Polo T-shirt
  • V-neck Pullover with logo
  • Grey Socks
  • Black Shoes
  • Royal Blue Cap and Badge (weather dependent)
  • Navy Blue Coat (weather dependent)

Girls - Summer

  • Summer Dress
  • Summer Boater and Badge
  • V-neck Pullover with logo
  • Grey Socks
  • Black Shoes
  • Navy Blue Coat
  • Navy Blue Coat (weather dependent)

All uniform items can be purchased from our school uniform outfitters -

John Cheatles Ltd

Charles Street & Humberstone Gate Corner, Leicester, LE1 2PJ

Uniform Outfitters days are arranged by the school twice termly between 3.00pm and 6.00pm.

The Preparatory School Day

  • Before school care – 7.30am – 8.45am
  • Registration – 8.45am – 9.00am and 2.10pm – 2.15pm
  • Assembly – 8.45am – 9.00am
  • Monday – Formal assembly with theme, drama and songs of praise
  • Tuesday – PSHE assembly where topics on health, safety and citizenship are discussed by tutors and each year group
  • Wednesday – Formal assembly with theme, drama and songs of praise
  • Thursday - Formal assembly with theme, drama and songs of praise
  • Friday – House assembly where the designated factions on the pupil population (Cedar, Oak, Sycamore & Willow) gather in their designated area to announce points lost and points gained by pupils.

The day is set out into 5 lessons divided by 2 breaks

  • Lesson 1 – 9.00am
  • Lesson 2 – 10.00am
  • Morning Break – 11.00am
  • Lesson 3 – 11.15am
  • Lesson 4 – 12.15pm
  • Lunch Break – 1.15pm
  • Lesson 5 – 2.15pm
  • End of the academic day – 3.15pm
  • Tea – 3.15pm to 4.00pm

Tutorials/Activities/After school options in performing arts, music and sports/Homework/Special Educational Needs support takes place between 4.00pm and 6.00pm

Preparatory Subjects

Mathematics and Numeracy within the Preparatory School

Pupils are taught mathematical language and concepts through innovative and active learning and with the use of ICT.

Pupils learn to:~

  • To count and understand number
  • To add, subtract, divide and multiply
  • To know all the number facts and to use and apply them to calculate using a calculator.
  • To understand shape and measure.
  • To understand how to handle data.

Pupils in the Preparatory School follow the National Curriculum QCA Scheme of Work for Key Stages 1 and 2 Mathematics.

Expected Attainment Levels

Key Stage One

  • Year One – Level 2
  • Year Two - Level 3

Key Stage Two

  • Year Three – Level 3
  • Year Four – Level 3/4
  • Year Five – Level 4
  • Year Six – Level 5

English and Literacy within the Preparatory School

Our pupils learn to develop their English and Literacy in the following areas:~

  • Speaking, Listening and responding.
  • Discussion , Interaction and Drama.
  • Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling.
  • Sentence Structure.
  • Interpretation of Stories and Poetry.
  • Engaging and responding.
  • Independent and Creative reading and writing

All of this is done, to ensure that as writing and reading develops, each of our pupils learn to structure, organise and present their written work to a high standard. At the end of Year Six, our pupils are competent readers and writers.

Expected Attainment Levels

Key Stage One

  • Year One – Level 2
  • Year Two - Level 3

Key Stage Two

  • Year Three – Level 3
  • Year Four – Level 3/4
  • Year Five – Level 4
  • Year Six – Level 5

Science within the Preparatory School

Pupils develop scientific ideas and knowledge to relate these to everyday experiences. They learn to be imaginative explore values and attitudes through Science. They explore the world with their senses. They are taught to think critically about scientific claims and ideas. They use mathematical skills in science using scientific terminology. They are encouraged to be active and creative in Science. Pupils learn to draw diagrams and charts to communicate scientific ideas and findings. Pupils learn to carry out basic scientific experiments in a controlled and safe environment.

Expected Attainment Levels

Key Stage One

  • Year One – Level 2
  • Year Two - Level 3

Key Stage Two

  • Year Three – Level 3
  • Year Four – Level 3/4
  • Year Five – Level 4
  • Year Six – Level 5

Citizenship/Personal, Social, Health and Emotional Education (PSHE) within the Preparatory School

Within the Preparatory school, both Citizenship and PSHE are central to all that we do, as pupils contribute to decision making and organisation. Their contribution is important as they are taught skills they will need to become confident, healthy, independent, informed and active individuals within both our school and the wider community. Some of the key topics covered by our Preparatory pupils:~

  • Right and Wrong.
  • Roles and Responsibilities.
  • Rules, Laws, Power and Authority.
  • Equality and Diversity.
  • Communities and Identities.
  • Democracy.
  • Conflict, power and Co-operation.

Pupils are encouraged to think and talk about all these issues and how they effect peoples lives.

Information Communication Technology within the Preparatory School

Information Communication Technology (ICT) is used across the Curriculum in all subjects.

Pupils also receive specific ICT lessons, where they learn to explore and adventure into programmes, as well as learning about computer hardware and software (appropriate to their National Curriculum Levels).

Expected Attainment Levels

Key Stage One

  • Year One – Level 2
  • Year Two - Level 2/3

Key Stage Two

  • Year Three – Level 3
  • Year Four – Level 3/4
  • Year Five – Level 4
  • Year Six – Level 5

Pupils learn :~

  • The use of Word-banks to create text.
  • How to question data presented them in Pictograms.
  • To use ICT to write stories and attach pictures.
  • To use ICT in a variety of different subject areas – English, Design Technology and Science for instance.
  • About the use ICT to design posters and to create pictures and diagrams.
  • To use computers to answer questions and recognise the need to have the correct software and limitations of not having up to date or correct software.
  • How to store their work and retrieve it at a later date.
  • How to use ICT programmes to create sounds.
  • To use database programmes to create bar charts and graphs.
  • To explore computer simulations.
  • To send and retrieve e-mail.
  • To extract forms to write narratives.
  • To use clip art and digital cameras to create images using ICT.
  • To create questionnaires and collect and present information.
  • To analyse and present data in graphs.
  • To use appropriate tools to check their work and amend it.
  • To create Spread sheets.
  • To understand how computers control environmental conditions such as Weather Forecasting and Central Heating.
  • How to create a multimedia presentation.
  • Basic computer control and programming.
  • How to research using the internet and extract data to present appropriately in text documents.

History within the Preparatory School

Pupils learn about the past through stories, songs and the use of interactive materials such as ICT , DVDs and Videos to develop their understanding of past and present and how this effects our current and future history.

Pupils learn:

  • About the development of Britain, Europe and the World.
  • To use historical language to describe events, artefacts and sources.
  • Familiar and famous people in history.

To use ICT and different sources to question authenticity of artefacts and scenarios both critically and objectively.

Topics with in the National Curriculum Framework for History begins with Toys, Homes and Holidays from the past, Florence Nightingale, Mary Secom and The Great Fire of London in Years 1 and 2 through to The Romans, Anglo Saxons, the Vikings, Henry VIII, Tudor Homes, Rich and Poor, Ancient Egypt and Victorian Britain with Years 3 to 4. Years 5 and 6 develop on some of the topics and go on to cover areas such as British History 1900’s, Ancient Greece, Indus Valley Civilisations, The Second World War and Britain’s place in the world today.

Geography within the Preparatory School

Pupils develop the knowledge and skills required to gain an understanding of their own environment and that of the people who live within it. By doing this, pupils gain further insight into the wider world around them. Pupils look at people and places within the UK and Overseas and consider how each relates to one another.

Pupils learn:

  • How to use geographical concepts and terminology appropriately.
  • How to observe and investigate how people have an impact on their local and wider environment.
  • Through trips and the use of ICT to widen their geographical knowledge and understanding.
  • To discuss about their local areas and their home environments in small groups.
  • To use maps, plans, areal photography and globes when attempting to make specific geographical findings.
  • Ask questions about local areas in relation to the wider community.
  • To use number and letter co-ordinates.

Some of the topics covered by pupils with the Preparatory School are as follows:~ Weather, Rainfall, Temperature, Wind speed, Towns, Villages, Cities, World countries and their scales and Population.

Pupils use ICT to investigate maps, diagrams and pictures to investigate local and major rivers using appropriate geographical vocabulary such as Erosion, Source and Current etc. Pupils relate rivers to their National Boundaries, Mountain Ranges and locations using the Internet to explore and research.

Art and Design within the Preparatory School

Pupils imagination and creativity stimulated by providing visual, tactile and sensory experiences with use of a variety of substances and materials. Pupils explore their own Artistic and Designing abilities through:

  • Drawing and Painting.
  • Designing images and artefacts.
  • Considering the work of varying artists, and learning to appreciate and make comments on their work.
  • Use of ICT, pupils learn to develop their skills in Self-Portrait.
  • The use of different materials and textiles.
  • Sculpture.
  • Building design and patterns.
  • Objects and their meanings.
  • Pupils develop greater appreciation of art through visits to art galleries and museums.

Design Technology within the Preparatory School

Pupils are given the opportunity to develop their designing and making skills to create high quality products using and selecting appropriate materials, tools and techniques. Pupils work safely with others and are taught to recognise hazards. Pupils work with electrical and mechanical and more complex structures. By doing this pupils learn to consider the design process and through appreciation, evaluate their design work in order to improve overall technique. Pupils learn to develop both 2D and 3D designs from a variety of design stimulus including moving pictures, playground designs, buildings, vehicles, puppets, packaging, photo frames, toys, story books to name a few.

Home Economics within the Preparatory School

This subject is linked to Design Technology as it develops pupils understanding of the design process. Pupils learn the importance of food preparation and cooking in line with healthy eating. Pupils investigate and taste different foods considering appearance, taste, smell and texture. Pupils design, explore and develop foods including salads, soups, Smoothies, pizzas, jelly, fruit yoghurt, bread biscuits, cakes and sandwiches. Pupils are taught to follow basic recipes, food hygiene regulations, measure ingredients correctly and devise basic healthy menu’s.

Physical Education and Games within the Preparatory School

Pupils learn to acquire and develop skills through Dance, Games, Gymnastics, Swimming, Striking and Field Games, outdoor and adventure activities, net and ball games.

Pupils enjoy participating in:

  • Pupil are encouraged to develop a competitive spirit and to participate in our extra-curricular sports. These are offered in most of the sports listed seasonally throughout the year.
  • Pupils are given the opportunity to represent their school in sports fixtures.

Performing Arts within the Preparatory School

Pupils confidence and self esteem is built with Dance, Drama and Singing. Pupils learn to use movement, music and role play to explore and communicate ideas. A range of dance styles, songs, plays and narratives are used from different eras. Pupils participate in a staged production every term. In the Autumn Term we have our Annual Fashion Show and Christmas show for each department from pre-preparatory through to High school. All pupils are given the opportunity to participate. A professional approach is taken by staff and pupils with staging, lighting, PA , costume and music to ensure that all performances are to a high standard and a great success on the night.

We have had many of our students who have moved onto successful careers in performing arts, singing and Musical theatre due to the sound training from Overstone Park.

Religious Education within the Preparatory School

Pupils develop their knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other major religions in Great Britain. They explore the differences in religion through learning about key issues such as Beliefs, Values, Customs and Duties. Pupils explore the concept of God and learn how to make moral decisions and the impact these decisions have on others around them. Our pupils do not have religious beliefs forced onto them and are encouraged to respect their own religion.

Religions studied are that of Christianity, Buddhism,. Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism and Judaism, in which pupils consider key belief systems, religious doctrine and customs and values. Pupils are taught to extract information from a variety of sources including reference books, text books, religious texts, CD Roms and the Internet.

Music within the Preparatory School

Pupils are taught to make and respond to a variety of differing musical instruments and genre. Pupils gain an appreciation of a wide range of musical genre from a variety of different historical periods and world backgrounds. Pupils learn to perform using a wide range of musical instruments and vocal techniques. Pupils learn to structure sound to create different moods and effects. Pupils learn a wide variety of musical terminology which they learn to use appropriately. Pupils learn to compose, improvise and perform using both musical annotation and by ear. Pupils are encouraged to join the school orchestra. Pupils are encouraged to join the school choir.

A wide range of instruments are available for hire from the school All pupils are encouraged to join the school band from Year 4 upwards. There are two band practice seminars per week. Pupils are also given the opportunity to take Music grade examinations in chosen instruments. A music assembly is held weekly, which gives pupils the opportunity to perform in front of their peers and the whole school. These pupils also perform at school events such as Prize Giving and Speech Day and our Annual Talent Contest. Within the school we endeavour to allow our pupils the opportunities to excel within all of their chosen instruments.

The school has a wide range of instruments that are available for pupils to hire on a termly basis.

French within the Preparatory School

Pupils within the Preparatory School learn our primary Modern Foreign Language of French from Year 1. Pupils cover all four areas of French- Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing. Pupils begin with colours, numerical language, French songs and food items to establish their vocabulary. Pupils are encouraged to listen to a wide range of French speaking to enhance and encourage their ability to reproduce sounds and engage in simple conversation. Pupils move on to develop an understanding of the writing and structure of the language, learning rules and patterns in the written language. Their ability to write effectively assists with their reading and the ongoing development of their speaking and listening skills.

Computer Science within the Preparatory School

The core of computing is computer science in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Building on this knowledge and understanding, pupils are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content.

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