Summer Essential Information

Please CLICK HERE for our diary dates for Summer Term 2024

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Please CLICK HERE for our essential information dates 2024  


Preparatory & High School Fees

Please contact the school office.

Extra Curricula

Pupils With Responsibilities (PWRs)

The PWR are the pupils Council and they are made up of two head prefects, prefects, monitors and librarians. The Council meets regularly to discuss pupils needs, contributions and recommendations. The council has a strong voice within the school and they set the example for all pupils to follow.

The PWR are active in their duties which include:

  • Cloakroom monitoring
  • Library work
  • Running of the tuck shop
  • Organising charitable events

The PWR helps to plan and organise all social, charitable, sporting, musical and performing arts events within the school.

High School Good Conduct and Reward System

The school has a high expectation for its pupils to behave and treat others with respect. Pupils are required to adhere to a code of conduct, a copy of which is given to each pupil before they start at the school.

Pupils receive much praise and awards for good conduct and hard work. Each pupil is allocated a house from Willow, Oak, Sycamore and Cedar when they join the school. House points are awarded for good conduct and good outstanding work.

Praise and Reward

The school has a praise and reward assembly weekly on a Thursday when certificates of achievement are awarded and house points given for good to outstanding conduct and work. Pupils are awarded certificates and are chosen for their hard work.

Pupils receive trophies and medals annually for a variety of competitions that are held throughout the year such as the annual talent show and sports day.

Pupils in year 6 to year 11 participate in a merit scheme where merits can be gained for good conduct and good work. Merits can be 'spent' in the weekly praise and reward assembly on a variety of prizes.  Prizes vary in value and pupils will bneed to save up their merits in order to obtain the larger prizes.

The academic year concludes with a speech and prize giving day in July where all pupils are awarded a unique book which is certificated. Special certificates and awards are given out for achievements in subjects and extra curricula activities in performing arts, music and sport. There are also special certificates for those pupils who have made the greatest effort within the subject throughout the year.

Pupils thrive on praise and reward and we recognise the good that they achieve whilst correcting their mistakes. This just and caring approach enables them to achieve their best potential in a fair but competitive school.

Options and Extra Curricula Activities

Life at Overstone Park School is well balanced by the wider range of extra curricula activities offered to all pupils.

In sports, extra activities offered in winter are as follows:

Netball - Rugby - Hockey - Basketball - Football - Cross Country Running

In the summer term we offer the following:

Cricket - Rounders - Tennis - Athletics - Baseball

The school has junior and senior teams for most sports. Internal inter-house fixtures and external fixtures are organised to ensure that an exciting and competitive atmosphere exists within the school. In over 15 acres of sporting and recreational fields a wealth of sporting activities are available to our pupils.

Extra curricula music is extensive within the school. Pupils have the opportunity to learn a variety of instruments such as trombone, saxophone, guitar, drums, clarinet, trumpet and piano. They are encouraged to join the school band to develop their ability to play in a group. Pupils are also encouraged to work towards music grades in their chosen instrument. The grades are externally assessed by the relevant music board. Pupils have plenty of opportunities to perform in assemblies and at key events in the school calendar.

We also offer private singing lessons as well as group singing. Pupils learn a wide range of classical, popular and musical songs which they perform during our staged performances.

Ballet and Modern Dance +

A warm welcome to our new dance and performing arts teacher Miss Mair; Miss Mair’s professional training began at The Laban conservatoire of Contemporary Dance and continued at Bird College of Performing Arts where she graduated with a BA (Hons) degree in Professional Dance and Musical Theatre.

After graduating Miss Mair has danced in Music Videos, appeared in adverts and performed professionally in London, Germany, and New York. Since returning from America, Miss Mair has begun her teaching career, specialising in Ballet, Tap and Commercial Jazz. She will be teaching the following:-

Traditional ballet is taught to encourage pupils to develop essential skills and posture as well as being creative and innovative in their dance. Pupils can start classes from the age of two years.

Modern dance includes jazz, blues, ‘pop’ and contemporary music. Pupils are encouraged to be adventurous and creative. Dancing is made to be fun and exciting. Pupils are entered for exams when they are ready to take them.

Pupils are entered for exams when they are ready to take them.

Sessions are to be held between 3.30pm and 4.30pm each Friday.

Musical Theatre/Rhythm +

Pupils are encouraged to sing, dance and act. This helps them to develop confidence and self-esteem. It develops their social and interaction skills.

Pupils are encouraged to develop language and vocal skills, to become confident public speakers and performers.

There are taught to develop expression and style. They are given opportunities throughout the year to perform in the school productions and fashion show to show case their gifts and talents. Whatever career they choose, musical theatre will help them by boosting their drive to succeed.

Sessions are held on Fridays between 3.30pm and 4.30pm for pupils from age 3 years upwards.

Each class above will be for 45 minutes over 10 weeks and is £60.00 for the term.

Drums & Guitar +

Mr Byron has been teaching drums and guitar at the school for several years. He holds a BEd Music (2:2) and a Diploma in Music. He will be teaching the following:-

Drums is taught to encourage pupils to develop an understanding of rhythm and timing. Pupils can start classes from the age of five years.

Guitar is taught to encourage pupils to develop basic skills to learn how to play the guitar and to develop their rhythm and creativity.

Pupils are entered for exams when they are ready to take them.

Sessions are to be held between 9.00am and 11.30am each Monday.

Piano & Singing +

Mrs Varney has been teaching piano and singing at the school for several years.

She holds the following qualifications:

Advanced Certificate ABRSM Pianoforte. DipLCM Pianoforte PerformanceHe will be teaching the following:-

Piano is taught to encourage pupils to develop an understanding of rhythm and timing. Pupils can start classes from the age of four years.

Singing is taught to encourage pupils to develop basic vocal skills to learn how to sing in tune and to develop their confidence and self-esteem.

Pupils are entered for exams when they are ready to take them.

Sessions are to be held between 9.00am and 11.30am each Tuesday.

Parental Links

The school operates an open door policy to parents who can meet with the Principal and teachers after a request put into the office. The front entrance is staffed during morning arrival and afternoon leave, where letters are distributed to parents with efficiency. Through letters, flyers, posters, newsletters, e-mail, telephone, parents evenings, front notice boards, reports, monthly assessments and diary dates, we do our upmost to ensure that all parents are kept involved and well informed about all aspects of school life.

‘Overstone Park School works in full partnership with its parents and guardians’

Health and Safety

Only medicine prescribed by a doctor can be administered within the school. The school has a number of first aiders and a comfortable medical room. Pupils are well cared for when they are unwell. We successfully manage the healthcare of pupils with diabetes and asthma, whose education is maintained despite their illnesses. The health and safety of all pupils is our priority. A health and safety and a medical policy is available for parents.

Educational Visits

Pupils in all year groups venture out on local, national and international trips which ranges from the local bakery, art gallery or police station to the Science Museum, Legoland, Cadbury’s World to sports tournaments in Spain, historical visits to Holland and France.

International visit are organised every two years, whilst local and national visits occur annually. Health and safety procedures, insurance requirements and staff to pupil ratios are adhered to stringently to ensure the upmost safety of all pupils.

Duke of Edinburgh

Pupils in year 9 have the opportunity to begin working towards a Duke of Edinburgh Bronze, Silver or Gold Award by working in a range of community services and within activities which they are familiar with such as sports and orienteering.

This is a worthy award which helps to shape and develop the character of a pupil.

Charitable Fund Raising

Throughout the year, many activities are organised to raise money for our chosen charities:

Unicef - Oxfam - Comic Relief - Jeans for Genes

These range from sponsored events such as a car washing to fashion shows. Sharing and giving is an important quality that we build and develop within all pupils.

Work Experience and Career Guidance

Pupils are introduced to career planning from year 7 where through PSHE and Citizenship pupils discover the range of careers open to them. We also invite people from the world of work into the school to give presentations in assemblies .

Careers guidance is given intensely in year 10 and 11. Pupils are encouraged to select a career progression route half way through year 9 at age 14 years. Help and support is given to guide them. Pupils complete a career form on which they state their interests, aims and ambitions. This is similar to a CV. It helps us to understand fully what their aims are for the future.

Pupils are also encouraged to complete self-assessment activities, decision making drama focus activities are conducted in PSHE and Citizenship lessons. Pupils experience mock interviews and have the benefit of getting the views of their peers on their performance to improve their skills and knowledge.

Pupils select from thousands of work experience places and have a two week experience at the end of year 11 in a placement of their choice, such as music vendors, solicitors, retail, hospitals, sports and leisure among the many to choose from. Some fortunate pupils may continue working within their placement throughout the summer where they experience the satisfaction of earning money and doing a good days work for a fair reward.

A School with Ambition and a Vision

When in 1983, three pupils enrolled onto our premises and started our school, we were inspired and challenged to develop every aspect of the school to ensure that future generations would continue to experience the unique atmosphere of our caring holistic family based school where the Christian ethos is not just embraced, but is actively seen from our actions towards pupils, parent and our staff team.

We embrace pupils of all cultures and religions, for each is special and unique and we can make a significant difference in their lives. We are constantly looking at ways of developing and refining our curriculum to ensure that it progresses and meets the needs and demands that the 21st century brings.

We have loyal and long serving staff who have contributed their whole working life to date to the school, with their commitment of over 20 years teaching and caring for our pupils.

There has been numerous development of the premises in the past 5 years which includes a number of therapeutice cabins used for: therapy sessions; animal care; music therapy; and sports therapy.

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