High School
(11-18 years)
The High School Day
Registration - 8:45am
Assembly – 8.45am – 9.00am
Monday – Formal assembly with theme, drama and songs of praise
Tuesday – PSHE assembly where topics on health, safety and citizenship are discussed by tutors and each year group
Wednesday – Formal assembly with theme, drama and songs of praise
Thursday - Formal assembly with theme, drama and songs of praise
Friday – House assembly where the designated factions on the pupil population (Cedar, Oak, Sycamore & Willow) gather in their designated area to announce points lost and points gained by pupils.
The day is set out into 5 lessons divided by 2 breaks
Lesson 1 – 9.00am
Lesson 2 – 10.00am
Morning Break – 11.00am
Lesson 3 – 11.15am
Lesson 4 – 12.15pm
Lunch Break – 1.15pm
Lesson 5 – 2.15pm
End of the academic day – 3.15pm
High School Homework
Pupils have an organised homework chart to ensure that the amount of homework given is apportioned for each subject and that it is challenging, interesting, constructive and rewarding. It is an essential part of school life.
Pupils are expected to spend the following time on their homework daily:
Year 7 & 8 – 1 Hour
Year 9 – 1 ½ Hours
Year 10 and 11 – 2 to 2½ Hours
An additional hour must be added when coursework is required.
Pupils must have a designated area at home to complete their homework, free from distractions, to ensure that good quality homework is completed.
Teachers make clear deadlines to ensure that pupils manage their time effectively and work to high levels in all subjects.
High School Subjects
High School Assessment Target Setting and Reporting
Pupils are mentored by their tutor from their first day to their last at the school. Their work is graded and they are rewarded for good work and receive guidance both verbally and in writing about ways of achieving the next attainment level in each subject.
Parents are kept well informed via our half termly assessment reports which gives each pupils attainment level and target in each subject. Parents evenings are held in October and May of each year.
Half termly assessments are distributed three times throughout the year. Three end of term reports are also distributed per year. Parents receive 6 reports throughout the year. Pupils have access to the reports to enable them to see their own progress. At the end of year 11 they are prescribed with a record of their achievements which they are able to use in interviews for post education or work.
Mathematics within the High School +
The curriculum is designed to ensure that pupils are engaged in a purposeful learning experience in Mathematics. Pupils study five key areas which are :-
Mathematical processes and applications, Number, Algebra, Geometry and Measure and Statistics. ICT is used in Mathematics to reinforce and enhance learning. Pupils are tested at the end of each topic on a weekly basis to ensure consolidation and progress in Mathematics.
In year 10 pupils follow the OCR Graduated Assessment syllabus in Mathematics C (J517) in which pupils are encouraged to:-
Develop a positive attitude to mathematics.
Consolidate basic skills and meet appropriately challenging work.
Apply mathematical knowledge and understanding to solve problems.
Think and communicate mathematically – precisely, logically and creatively.
Appreciate the place and use of mathematics in society.
Apply mathematical concepts to situations arising in their own lives.
Understand the interdependence of different branches of mathematics.
Acquire the skills needed to use technology such as calculators and computers effectively.
Acquire a firm foundation for further study.
English and English Literature within the High School +
The curriculum is challenging and ambitious, pupils study extensively Speaking & Listening and Reading, Writing & Language. Pupils are taught to respond to a variety of contexts, media, audience, purpose and cultures. Pupils are tested regularly to monitor their progress. Both English and English Literature are offered at GCSE level to ensure that pupils are given a rich experience of reading and interpreting a variety of texts.
Pupils learn to listen and respond using speaking skills formally and informally. Pupils participate in group work, discussions and role play. These use different dramatic approaches to explore ideas and text. Pupils develop reading skills by relating text to social, historical and cultural contexts. Pupils use Literary and linguistic features to analyse writers organisation, structure, layout and presentation of a wide range of texts.
The OCR English Literature specification encourages pupils to develop :-
The ability to read, understand and respond to a wide range of literary texts, and to appreciate the ways in which authors achieve their effects;
An awareness of social, historical and cultural contexts and influences in the study of literature; the ability to construct and convey meaning in speech and writing, matching style to audience and purpose.
This OCR English Specification encourages pupils to :-
In reading, to develop candidates’ ability to:
Read accurately, fluently and with understanding;
Understand and respond to the texts they read;
Read, analyse and evaluate a wide range of texts, including literature from the
English literary heritage and from other cultures and traditions.
In writing, to develop candidates’ effective use of :-
Compositional skills – developing ideas and communicating meaning to a reader using a wide-ranging vocabulary and an effective style, organising and structuring sentences
Grammatically and whole texts coherently; a widening variety of forms for different purposes.
In speaking and listening, to develop candidates’ ability to :-
Use the vocabulary and grammar of standard English;
Formulate, clarify and express ideas;
Adapt speech to a widening range of circumstances and demands; listen, understand and respond appropriately to others.
Science (Year 7 to 9) +
In years 7-9 pupils are given the opportunity to build on their scientific knowledge and understanding from key stage 2. They are taught to use scientific knowledge and modes to explain and describe scientific problems in order to understand a range of scientific applications and technology. To carry out investigations pupils learn to use sources to evaluate and represent findings using ICT, Mathematical language, diagrams and graphs.
Year 7 Topics
7A Cells
7B Reproduction
7C Environments and feeding relationships
7D Variation & Classification
7E Acids and Alkalis
7F Simple Chemical Reactions
7G Particle model of Solids
Liquids & Gases
7H Solutions
7I Energy Resources
7J Electric Circuits
7K Forces & their effects
7L The Solar System & Beyond
Year 8 Topics
8A Food and Digestion
8B Respiration
8C Microbes & Disease
8D Ecological Relationships
8E Atoms and Elements
8F Compounds & Mixtures
8G Rocks and Weathering
8H Rocks & Weathering
8I Heating & Cooling
8J Magnets & Electromagnets
8K Light
8L Sound & Hearing
9M Investigating Scientific Questions
Year 9 Topics
9A Inheritance and Selection
9B Fit and Healthy
9C Plants & Photosynthesis
9D Plants for food
9E Reactions of Metals & Metal compounds
9F Patterns of reactivity
9G Environmental Chemistry
9H Using Chemistry
9I Energy & Electricity
9J Gravity & Space
9K Speed up
9L Pressure & Moments
At the end of year 9 pupils are offered GCSE Science in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The OCR Gateway course in each science, builds on the work and attainment throughout years 10-11.
Please see the following chart which provides a breakdown of each aspect of the separated science.
Science (Year 10 to 11) +
History within the High School +
History in Years 7 to 9 is both interesting and challenging. Pupils learn to understand chronology, events, people and changes in the past. Historical interpretation, enquiry, research, organisation and presentation. Pupils learn about Britain and the Wider World in the past. Studying the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century, European and World history, our pupils also learn to appreciate and understand the economic, cultural and political development of different societies throughout history. Pupils are taught to evaluate a variety of different sources and how to understand the key differences between that of Primary and Secondary source information in order to and analyse the past and its events.
Pupils are given the opportunity to choose the OCR Modern World History course in Year 9 as a part of their GCSE optional study subjects.
The OCR Modern World History GCSE specifications enables pupils to:
Actively engage in the process of historical enquiry to develop as effective and independent candidates and as critical and reflective thinkers with enquiring minds
Develop their knowledge and coherent understanding of selected periods, societies and aspects of history
Develop an awareness of how the past has been represented, interpreted and accorded significance for different reasons and purposes
Develop the ability to ask relevant questions about the past and to investigate them critically using a range of sources in their historical context Organise and communicate their historical knowledge and understanding in creative and different ways and reach substantiated judgments
Recognise that their historical knowledge, understanding and skills help them understand the present and also provide them with a basis for their role as responsible citizens, as well as for the possible further study of history.
Geography within the High School +
From years 7-9 we continue to stimulate pupils interest of their surroundings, human and physical conditions. We further pupils sense of wonder at the beauty of the world around them. We encourage them to have an enquiring mind about human habitat and their care and their responsibility for the care of the world and its people.
We assist in the development of:
Geographical vocabulary
Knowledge of places, patterns and processes
Geographical thinking
Map skills and field and investigatory work
By providing these skills we equip our pupils with the skills necessary to broaden their horizons and adventure the world.
Some of the topics covered by the Key stage 3 syllabus are:
Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Floods, Exploring England, Costal Areas, Shopping and Retail, Europe, Ecosystems, Brazil, Population and Sustainability, The Globe, Mining, Resources, International and Global Geography and Global actions and its effects.
Information Communication Technology (ICT) within the High School +
In Information Communication Technology (ICT) with years 7 to 9, we prepare our pupils participate in the rapidly changing world where ICT plays a major role in every industry and has a predominant place in every household.
Pupils are taught :-
How to access quality information through use of Hardware and Software.
How to use a variety of ICT tools to complete complex tasks.
How to use ICT in other subjects to enhance learning
Process text and images using computer models, making reference to control, input, process and output.
How to handle and transfer data
How to use ICT to manage and produce a project.
Our pupils have the opportunity to continue their ICT studies onto BTEC First Certificate level as the course aims to provide candidates with opportunities to:
Enjoy and exploit their use of ICT, focusing upon their own strengths and interests.
Develop further as autonomous users of IT, broadening and consolidating knowledge, skills and understanding.
Extend practical skills through the application of ICT to a range of contexts including those of industry, commerce and the community. Gain knowledge of terminology techniques and methods that enable the effective use of ICT.
Recognise the impact of new technologies on methods of working in the outside world, and on social, legal, economic, ethical and moral issues.
Explore the use of ICT in a range of working environments and evaluate its potential when compared with other methods of working.
Critically appraise information systems in order to develop an understanding of their capabilities and limitations.
Learn how to solve a variety of work-related problems through the design and use of information systems and their underpinning principles and techniques.
Prepare themselves for working and living in a technology driven society, and consider the social, economic, political, legal, ethical and moral issues and security needs for data surrounding the increasing use of ICT.
B-Tec Level 2 First Award in ICT for Practitioners +
This qualification is equivalent to one GCSE at A* – C grade.
The distinction between IT user and IT practitioner job roles is becoming less distinct and this qualification is designed to bridge these competences and provide a flexible structure for learners. The range of units includes those suitable for learners aiming to progress directly into employment in technical roles, to those for learners who wish to gain more understanding of the applications of ICT as a basis for other jobs not specifically based in the ICT industry.
Pupils will study the following:
Handle files appropriately, understanding and selecting appropriateness of using differing software and documents
Format documents to suit the communication using particular layouts and house styles as necessary
Know different uses of computers in the home and business
Be able to explain the use of common types of hardware in a personal computer system
Know how to select software for a specified user
Be able to safely connect hardware devices and configure software for a specified user.
Be able to safely connect hardware devices and configure software for a specified user.
Understand use of models and activities involved in projects and some factors that influence them.
Be able to identify requirements for a particular project, gathering relevant information as required.
Religious Education within the High School
Pupils are taught to learn, understand and respect different religions, beliefs, values and traditions. They are taught right from wrong and are encouraged to make moral decisions and understand how their decisions influence individuals, societies, communities and cultures. The meaning and purpose of life is explored.
Pupils are encouraged to respect themselves as well as others and to develop a sense of identity in a multi-cultural, multi-religious society to enable them to show understanding and empathy towards others. Pupils study Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism, looking at individuals, beliefs, systems, customs and duties of each religion and their effects on society. Religious Education is studied to GCSE level.
Citizenship and PSHE within the High School +
Citizenship and PSHE enables our pupils to be active and informed citizens within their school, local, national and global communities. It gives pupils the opportunity to discuss real life issues that can make a difference in their school and wider community.
Pupils explore through debates, projects, audio/video resources, newspapers, speakers, human rights, diversity, crime, laws, the government, democracy, leisure, the media, peace, conflict, women and the war, developing school grounds, people and the environment.
Citizenship and PSHE helps our pupils to build on their personal, moral and social skills they already have, with developing confidence.
Music and Performing Arts within the High School +
Within Years 7 to 9, pupils develop their individuality and appreciation of a wide range of music. They develop their skills in performing, composing and appraising .They develop an understanding of how music is orchestrated and produced. They use a wide range of instruments, ICT and musical processes, including relevant symbols and notations. Pupils in Key Stage 3 also study a variety of music from different parts of the world as they learn to recognise instruments and sounds differing from that of western and traditional genre. Pupils in years 10 and 11 study music as an optional BTEC subject within the BTEC First certificate in Performing arts and Music.
Performing Arts
In performing arts music is used for singing and different drama genre including Musical Theatre. Within year 7 pupils are encouraged to develop their skills in Performing arts within the English syllabus as a part of the Speaking and Listening component. There are several productions held throughout the academic year at the school that pupils are encouraged to take part in, these include Annual Fashion Shows, Christmas Concerts, Talent Contests and End of Year production. Pupils participate to a professional level with Lighting, Staging and PA used by students throughout all staged performances.
Pupils also have the opportunity to participate in Dance in a variety of forms within their Performing Arts (Dance) lessons. These differing dance styles include Jazz, Modern, Ballet, Contemporary and cultural and traditional movements such as Traditional African dance.
The BTEC First certificate in Performing arts and Music is offered to pupils at Year 10 and is the equivalent to two GCSE’s grade A* to C.
B-Tec Level 2 First Award in Performing Arts & Music +
This qualification is equivalent to one GCSE at A* – C grade.
More young people are attracted to becoming actors, dancers, recording artists, promoters, managers and technicians. This course teaches pupils to succeed with their creative talent, and to have determination.
Pupils will study the following:
Performing arts production process
Understanding dance
Performing scripted plays
Musical theatre
Design for performance
Light operations for stage performance
Exploring musical composition
Pupils are able to explore and discover hidden gifts and talents whilst becoming confident and competent in their chosen field.
Art and Design within the High School +
Pupils explore ideas and meaning in the work of arts and craft designers from different cultures and eras. They use art through a variety of materials to express their ideas and feelings, exploring and developing new ideas.
Pupils are taught to self-evaluate their work. The topics explored are self-image, buildings, landscapes, objects, 2D and 3D, animation. They analyse paintings, printouts, photographs, disguised images, photo journalism.
Pupils make a connection with eighteenth and nineteenth century paintings and visual art, contemporary designs using woven textiles and ceramic form.
They investigate the influence of art from different cultures and traditions. Pupils are taught to represent their own ideas originally or to represent their ideas to create a collaboration of art work to analyse and evaluate their own work and the work of others and to make judgements to plan and develop their work further.
Design Technology within the High School +
Pupils are taught to design using existing products, materials and components by way of various structures as well as different types of electronic and communication technology.
They are taught to be aware of health and safety procedures. They become inventive designers through a variety of activities using food, resistance materials, textiles and ICT when designing and making.Modern Foreign Languages (French & Spanish) within the High School
Pupils develop an application and interest in modern foreign Languages. They become confident and competent to listen, speak, read and write the language. They develop language skills with grammar and structures, past and present tenses and use of the languages as the main form of communication within the classroom.
Cultural awareness is developed by working with materials related to the relevant country. ICT and audio-visual material is used to enhance their learning experience. Through such resources pupils learn to role play and act out scenes relating to meeting and greeting, dates, age, birthdays, classroom objects, the alphabet, the family, pets, the home, school, sports, musical instruments, hobbies, letters, countries, capitals, weather, seasons, locations, transport, food and drink, currency, clothes and fashion, guests, illness, lifestyle, events and many more aspects of everyday life.
Gardening and Horticulture at Overstone Park School +
Situated in 12 acres and surrounded by a further 350 acres, we have the ideal setting to grow our own vegetables. Pupils are actively involved in planting and nursing the school vegetable garden. Throughout the year they plant seeds around the school and nurture and care for them. Our pupils are excellent gardeners.
High School Physical Education +
Pupils become more expert in their skills and techniques, they learn how to apply them in different activities such as dance, games, sports, gymnastics, swimming, athletics as well as indoor and outdoor adventurous activities.
Pupil’s health and well being is promoted with the many competitive and challenging opportunities that our PE option offers in 15 acres of sports and playing fields. Pupils are encouraged to get involved in activities out of school to develop confidence skills and competence.
Pupils experience a range of indoor and outdoor sports such as badminton, tennis, basketball, rounder’s, hockey, netball, rugby, football, cricket, javelin, shot put, hurdles, cross country running, swimming and other track and field events.
Pupils have the opportunity to experience different roles in sports such as performance leader, coach, choreographer or official. Physical education is a compulsory aspect of the curriculum until the end of year 11. The B-Tec First Certificate and the B-Tec National in Sport are offered to pupils in years 9 to 13 and are equivalent to either 2 GCSE’s A*-C or 3 A levels.
B-Tec Level 2 First Award in Sport +
This qualification is equivalent to one GCSE at A* – C grade. This qualification inspires pupils to be healthy and successful in their everyday lives as well as in sporting activities.
Pupils study the following:
The body in sport
Health, safety and injury in sport
Sport industry planning
Leading sports activities
Sports psychology and performance
Lifestyle and nutrition for performance in sport
Instructing exercise and fitness
B-Tec Level 2 First Award in Business +
This qualification is equivalent to one GCSE at A* – C grade.
A B-Tec in business inspires pupils to become valuable members of the business world such as accountants, bankers, business owners, managers, consultants or retailers . The qualification opens the door to many different career paths in our diverse world of business.
Pupils study the following aspects of business:
Exploring business purposes
Customer relations
People in organisations
Online business
Exploring business enterprise
Starting a small business
The course gives pupils a valuable head start in the world of business.
B-Tec Level 2 First Award in Children’s Care, Learning and Development +
This qualification is equivalent to one GCSE at A* – C grade.
Pupils are inspired to develop skills and gain experience in understanding children’s development, keeping children safe, communication with children and adults, preparing and maintaining environments for childcare.
They are encouraged to further understand the professional development, roles and responsibilities within childcare, supporting children’s play as well as the learning and development and care of babies and children under the age of three years. Students are taught how to provide support for children with disabilities or special educational needs. Pupils learn to shape the lives of future generations.
Post 16 at Overstone Park High School ages 16 to 18 years
Level 3 Diploma +
A Level 3 Diploma is equivalent to 2 A Levels (120 UCAS points).
Pupils are given the very best opportunity to progress and fulfil their potential. With a clear progression route, pupils are offered a wide range of subjects once they have successfully completed GCSEs and B-Tec First Certificates.
Pupils can access the following courses at post 16 years:
Level 3 Diploma in Art & Design (2 A Levels)
Level 3 Extended Diploma in Art & Design (3 A Levels)
Level 3 Diploma in Business (2 A Levels)
Level 3 Extended Diploma in Business (3 A Levels)
Level 3 Diploma in Performing Arts and Music (2 A Levels)
Level 3 Extended Diploma in Performing Arts and Music (3 A Levels)
Level 3 Diploma in Applied Science (2 A Levels)
Level 3 Extended Diploma in Applied Science (3 A Levels)
Level 3 Diploma in Children’s Care, Learning and Development (2 A Levels)
Level 3 Extended Diploma in Children’s Care, Learning and Development (3 A Levels)
Level 3 Diploma in Sports (2 A Levels)
Level 3 Extended Diploma in Sports (3 A Levels)
Level 3 Diploma in ICT Practitioners (2 A Levels)
Level 3 Extended Diploma in ICT Practitioners (3 A Levels)
Level 3 extended diplomas are offered in all of the subjects listed above. The qualification equates to 3 A Levels which is 180 UCAS points. This is sufficient to give all pupils access to university of higher education of their choice.
Post 16 B-Tec pupils have access to several suites of rooms for science, music and performing arts. Child development pupils have access to an on site Crèche and Nursery facilities. Our sports facilities are extensive and we offer a wide range of challenging sports in over 12 acres of sports and recreational grounds. We have close links with Moulton College and have access to their horticultural and agricultural facilities.
Pupils of all abilities are given every possible opportunity to succeed in realising their dreams and ambitions in their chosen career. They are able to gain a wealth of vocational experience which prepares them very well for university / higher education and the world of work.
Each sixth form pupil is allocated a tutor who monitors their progress regularly, they also act as a positive mentor to the pupil, someone for them to discuss their problems with on a more personal level.
Level 3 Diploma in Children’s Care, Learning and Development +
The course covers the following areas:
Promoting children’s development
Diet and nutrition for children
Psychological perspectives on children’s behaviour
Combined science for the early years practitioner
Life processes and living things
Environmental studies for the early years practitioner
Complementary therapies for children
The play and work environment
Level 3 Diploma in ICT Practitioners +
Pupils will study the following aspects of the course:
Communication and Employability Skills for IT
Computer and Information systems
IT Systems Analysis and Design
Principles of Software development and design
Event driven programming
The qualification equates to 2 A-Levels which is 120 UCAS points. This is sufficient to give all pupils access to university of higher education of their choice.
Level 3 Diploma in Performing Arts and Music +
Pupils will study the following aspects of the course:
The historical context of performance
Theatre in education
Variety performances
Acting auditions
Applying acting styles
Film and TV acting
Script writing
Circus acrobatics
The qualification equates to 2 A-Levels which is 120 UCAS points. This is sufficient to give all pupils access to university of higher education of their choice.
Level 3 Diploma in Art & Design +
Pupils will build on their work completed at diploma level and study the following:
Visual recording in art and design
Visual communication in art and design
Design principles and professional practice
Freelance work
Computers and photographic media
Techniques and technology
The qualification equates to 2 A Levels which is 120 UCAS points. This is sufficient to give all pupils access to university of higher education of their choice.
Level 3 Diploma in Sport +
Pupils will be expected to be able to provide an in-depth training programme to help pupils enjoy a positive and rich experience and understanding and understanding of sport and it’s benefit to people. The course cover all aspects of sport including health and safety, nutrition in sport, performance, fitness testing, Injuries, practical sports, team and water based sports, leadership, outdoor skills and equipment and facilities.
Level 3 Diploma in Business +
Pupils will be introduced to aspects such as marketing ,as well as:
Understanding financial accounting
Exploring creative product promoting
Investigating internet marketing
Understanding aspects of employment law
Human resource management in business
Managing a business event
Exploring team development